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Important Information

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 5 months ago

We suggest your read the following points carefully, because they explain how you can deal with various problems and make best use of your conference experience.


1. In case of a general problem affecting the conference: Check the home page of this wiki for any last-minute announcements.  We can update this wiki in a matter of seconds.


2. If you cannot get into the realm for a conference session:  On rare occasions a WoW realm gets full, which means about 4,000 people online at the moment, in which case you wait your turn to get in.  At other times, there is a technical problem, and you must try repeatedly until Blizzard fixes the problem.


3. If the server crashes because of excess load:  We have selected locations we believe can handle high load, and our experience with crashes apparently caused by load have been limited to outlying areas.  We believe Blizzard employs load balancing, which means that the server will settle down after perhaps five or ten minutes of repeated crashes.  If worst comes to worst, the home page of the wiki will urge people who can get on to spead out across different parts of the world, thereby reducing the load at the conference site, because we can communicate via the guild chat where ever we are.


4. You cannot attend a session for whatever reason: Attend the others.  We could easily schedule additional meetings of subsets of participants to augment any of the sessions.


5. You want a record of the text from a session: You may save a complete log of all the text received by your character during one period online by typing in the command line (text chat) at the beginning: /chatlog


6. You want a visual record of still pictures: Pressing the PrintScreen key saves the contents of the screen as a JPG file in the screenshots folder of your World of Warcraft program folder.  To get rid of the interface information to get a clean picture, use Alt-Z.  To restore, use Alt-Z again.  You may wish to use the mouse wheel to view the scene from your character's eyes.  You may also wish to go into the user interface control and turn off display of player's names, and not click on anybody when taking a picture, to avoid cluttering the picture with names.



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