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Saved by William Sims Bainbridge
on December 22, 2012 at 2:14:15 pm

W. S. Bainbridge's

Virtual Worlds and Avatar Research


 This illustrates the easy-to-use Android questionnaire interface.

Space Futures Questionnaires!

Help define the future of the space program!  Can you predict the progress of space exploration, 50 years in the future?  What does the space program mean to you today?  You can express your views through questionnaires that are based on years of prior research and on recent surveys about the range of concepts a variety of people possess.


There are two ways of expressing your views.  If you have an Android device, you can download two free apps that use an innovative interface that makes it very easy for you to respond and instantly transmits your responses directly into our database: Space Futures and Space Opinions  Or, you can use this Word document questionnaire and email it to me at the address it gives.  I promise not to abuse your email by sending advertisements or spam, and will respond to your email only if you request a response.


The combined results of the surveys will be published online very quickly to help guide leaders of the world's space programs, governments, aerospace industries, and young people studying related areas of science and engineering.  This is a time for serious reconsideration of humanity's goals in space, and your thinking should be part of the debate.




41 Early Online Publications by William Sims Bainbridge

Previously Featured Here:

Convergence of the Real and the Virtual

NBIC Converging Technologies

Human-Centered Computing 

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