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Saved by William Sims Bainbridge
on February 2, 2009 at 5:30:30 pm

W. S. Bainbridge's

Virtual Worlds and Avatar Research


In Eloh Vale on the planet Foreas, level 50 exobiologist, William Bridgebain,

and his clone pause from deciphering ancient inscriptions, while a battle

rages in the background, during the last days of Tabula Rasa.  The final

Eloh inscription says, "The battle for control of the cosmos begins now!"

The Bailiwick Project

Exploring the potential of a virtual home as the interface for a personal digital library.


The Junkyard of Virtual Worlds

A collection of shards from many virtual worlds, intended to be 1) a museum of virtuality, and 2) an environment for scientific meetings about virtual worlds and avatars.


The Year 2100 Cosmic Engineers V2.0

An updated and expanded personality capture program


Online Publications

by William Sims Bainbridge

Previously Featured Here:

Convergence of the Real and the Virtual, NBIC Converging Technologies, Human-Centered Computing 

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